Monday, February 7, 2011

Summary Post C4T#1

I was assigned to The p.e.geek. The p.e.geek posted oh his blog an app that can be used on the iPhone. The iPhone application is called the Instant Heart Rate. The instant heart rate app is supposed to give the most accurate heart rate. This app for iPhone does not need any external hardware. To make it work place your finger over the iPhone camera and hold for 10 seconds. This app will track through the finger and give an appropriate BPM. I believed that this will be a good app especially if one works out and want to make sure they are getting good cardio. His next post was about 100+ Ways to Use Technology in Physical Education. He gives simple ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. I believed that it will be a great book and handy for teachers to use. I thanked him for sharing how to incorporate technology in Physical Education. There have been no responses to my comments that were left.

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