Monday, February 28, 2011

C4K Comments1,2,&3

I was assigned to Teryn R's blog from Crozet 4th grade class. Teryn post stated that he had a
dream that his brother bought five more fish. He stated that the fish had grew teeth and ate the other fish. Teryn also stated that the fish with the teeth grew lungs and legs as well. Teryn woke up from his dream before being eaten by the fish. I posted that I am sorry to hear that he had a bad dream and to say his prayers before bed. I also stated that I hope his brother does not but any more fish.My next blog assignment was to Subika's blog from Mr. St. Pierre's class. Subika's title was A Misundertanding/Desperate. Subika wanted to post something but was not sure what to discuss. Subika also posted some funny pictures of different animals. I stated that the pictures were cool and maybe the next blog post can be about your favorite animal.

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