Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blog Assignment 2

Did You Know
The video Did You Know by Karl Fisch and Scott McLeod was very different. It was amazing to see how technology has changed. I do believe that China is far more advance in technology than the United States. The United States is trying to compete in the world of technology but it definitely has some catching up to do. This video showed how technology is constantly changing and how it will continue to change. Technology is in high demand in all areas of life. It is used in our every day lives. Technology has definitely changed our lives, especially with the use of cell phones. I remember a time when cell phones were not in demand like they are now. People were able to leave home without a cell phone but now that has changed. People cannot imagine leaving home without their cell phone. This just show how much we are relying on technology now in our every day lives.
Mr. Winkles Wakes
The video Mr. Winkles Wakes by Mathew Needleman was cute. It was about a man that had fallen a sleep and finally woke up 100 years later. In that time it showed that when he went into the city and some of the old places that he remember things were different. It showed how technology has taken over the world. It showed that technology was being used in the business and hospital industry. All over the streets and neighbors. Technology was taken over all the places that was familiar to him except for one. Mr Winkle decided to go see if the classroom was still the same and it was. This is very sad that after a man has slept for a 100 years that nothing has changed with the education system. This goes to show their is a need for technology to be incorporated in the classroom. We need technology in the classroom because this is the only way the students are going to make it in the real world.
Sir Ken Robinson
The video of Sir Ken Robinson: The importance of creativity was funny and informative. I do believe as well that creativity has been lost in the schools. I believe when music and art is taken out or away from the student they lose excitement about creativity. I think that electives help students become creative. Math, Science, Language Arts,and Reading are all important essentials that students need. Students need these essentials but they also need creativity as well. The students need an outlet were they can relax and do something fun. In this day and time the only thing that is important now is testing students. I believe that if the schools embrace activities that allow for students to be creative, they may see better results. In this video Ken Robinson stated that we need a balance of Science and the Arts in the school system. He also stated the schools and the community need to get together and I agree.
The Interview
The video of Cecelia Gault interviewing Sir Ken Robinson was good. The scholastic article was very interesting. I also was surprised at the low drop out rate. The students in Finland only attend school four days out of the week. It seems as though the less pressure that is placed on students the better the results are. I do believe that all kids are creative and can learn. I will definitely incorporate technology in the classroom. The use and knowledge of technology will take students very far. The interview that Cecelia had with Sir Ken Robinson was very good. She asked good questions in her interview and she spoke very well. It seems as though Cecelia has had the chance to be creative because she did a good job.
The video Harness your students digital smart was great. I love the way the teacher bought technology in the classroom. This teacher is allowing the students to be creative and being introduce to technology at the same time. The most important statement the teacher made was, "you do not have to know it all." A teacher does not have to know everything about technology to bring it into the classroom. Technology in the classroom will give students a chance to be creative. Technology in the classroom gives the students an opportunity to learn and teach what they have learned. This video was very encouraging. It definitely shows that teachers should embrace technology.

1 comment:

  1. Kristi, you need to include a picture in EVERY blog post.

    Everyone seems to have gathered the same thing about technology being prevalent in modern American lives, but few have said how this translates in terms of their future teaching strategies. Please think about how this fact is going to effect the way you teach.

    We need more than technology in the classroom-- in many cases it is already there. However, it is NOT being used to enhance the learning experience. By meshing what you have learned from Sir Ken Robinson about creativity and Mr. Winkle about the necessity of modernizing the classroom, please think about how you are going to implement what you have learned here.
